Wind turbine manufacturer orders more carts and components from FlexQube

FlexQube has received two new orders from an international wind turbine manufacturer with a combined value of about 2.2 MSEK.
The first order is for carts to one of their manufacturing plants in Europe. The second order is for an upgrade of components to one of the manufacturing plants in the USA. The order to the USA is for parts in order to upgrade previously ordered carts from FlexQube. The purpose of this is to adapt them to a new need, because of updated wind turbine designs. Both orders were received in April and will be delivered in the second quarter.
“This wind turbine manufacturer is a customer we have been working with since 2017, and we are happy to see that our products are appreciated and that we are trusted to deliver more solutions. I am especially delighted to see that they are taking advantage of the flexibility in our product by re-using components from previously delivered carts when they have a new need. The possibility to use the FlexQube concept in making these adjustments means the customer is saving about 40% compared to buying brand new carts”, Anders Fogelberg CEO FlexQube AB (publ), comments.
Below you can see an overview of the cart that this wind turbine provider has purchased from FlexQube.
Cart for hanging – 1120 x 1470 mm – Q-100-1578
This cart is used to make the process of transporting heavy materials that need to be hung more efficiently. The hangers attached to this cart can be adjusted easily to fit the size of your materials. It is equipped with forklift pockets so it can be transported via a fork truck if needed and a floor lock brake to keep the cart secure when not in use.
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Flat Shelf Cart – 700 x 1540 mm – Q-100-3848
This heavy-duty flat shelf cart was designed to improve the transportation of smaller materials such as bins, totes, and boxes. The height of the shelves on this cart can be easily adjusted based on the size of your materials. There are also forklift pockets attached to the base of this cart, so it can be transported via a forklift.
Hanging Cart – 1260 x 1470 mm – Q-100-3826
This cart was designed to transport very heavy materials that need to be hung for easier access for the operators. The hangers are reinforced, so they are able to withstand heavier loads. A tow bar is also added to the base frame of this cart so it can be transported using a tugger train system.