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How it works

Creating your solution

We help transform your intralogistics through customization

Book a meeting

What are your needs?

FlexQube creates solutions based on your requirements to suit your specific needs while providing robust, modular and ergonomic solutions for material handling. You have the option to design your own solution or choose from already established designs, all to suit your needs.

Your Options.

A FlexQube design and quality meeting

Customization process

01. Initiate an RFQ
When you know what your needs are and the requirements for the project, you request an RFQ. Click the link below to get to the form.

02. Meeting
We book a meeting together and discuss your project, online or on-site.

03. We design the cart
Our design team will finalize your solution and send it to you for review.

04. Final solution
Last check-up to ensure you are satisfied with the final design and to review the quote. We will provide quick turnarounds if requested.


How it works.

Your materials constantly change. Therefore we have created a concept that allows the same base structures to be reconstructed.

Number 7

Design Base

All base sytems are based on the number 7 – FlexTubes™, FlexBeams™, FlexQubes™, FlexPlates™. Connecting building blocks all create 7cm intervals, interfaces and cross-sections depending on how they are assembled.

The Concept

The Basic Design

The base frame of all FlexQube carts is constructed with a set of casters, handlebars, and a brake. The dimensions of the base frame are adapted to your actual needs.


Top Structure

The top structure is adapted to the type of cargo to be carried and the purpose of the carts. The design can be customized after your needs.


Transportation Methods

FlexQube carts can be transported manually, in a train, or automated based on the project’s needs.

How it works
How it works
How it works
Heavy truck cab assembly
Contact us
FlexQube CEO Anders Fogelberg

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We will get back to you within 24 hours. (Unless it’s during holidays.)

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