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14 January 2016

Why you should design industrial carts on your own!

Per Augustsson

Per Augustsson

Commercial Product Manager

DesignOnDemand: Create carts live together with our experienced designers – Free of charge!

Since FlexQube was founded back in 2010 our own designers have created hundreds of solutions for customers all around the world. This means that we have gathered a huge amount of knowledge related to the cart design process. FlexQube has now started an initiative called Design4All™. The goal with this initiative is to make all our knowledge available for you as a customer, to give you the best possible conditions to create your own industrial carts. And it is completely free of charge!

What knowledge can we offer?

First of all, you never have to start your cart project from scratch. In the Solutions Library™ we have gathered many different solutions that can be used as inspiration. Pallet carts, Kit carts, Flow Shelf carts are just examples of categories that you can find. You can pick the ideas you like from different carts and combine into your own perfect cart. When you have an idea how you want the cart to look like, it is time to start doing the design in the CAD. All FlexQube building blocks are available in the CAD library that can be downloaded on the FlexQube webpage. The CAD library can be used with any software such as CATIA, Solid Works or Inventor. If you have found a favorite cart in the Solutions Library that almost meets your final needs, you can even download a cad file of the complete cart and then modify with additional building blocks. You can schedule web based training sessions to learn how to optimize your cart design.

For example:

  • How should you design a cart to handle heavy weights?
  • How do you design a large cart?
  • What tow bar should be used and what is the best position for the casters?

​There are many different questions that needs to be decided and our professional are ready to support whenever you need.

What benefits will you have if you start exploring Design4All™?

First of all, you and your team members are the ones that knows the requirements the best. You can quickly transform your idea into a cad model and thereby cut the lead time and developing cost significantly. Discuss pros and cons with the team, and finally transform the cad model into a physical prototype. Thanks to the standard building blocks, we are ready to ship the parts with short delivery time and it is easy to adjust the prototype (or an old cart) if you needs change. Our experience tells that prototypes should be built as early as possible in the design process as this is the best way to evaluate the functionality of the cart Designing FlexQube carts does not require that you have a lot of cad experience. Most design activities are about creating assemblies and putting already existing parts together into a customized cart solution. On the other hand, many companies have very skilled design resources available who is working with for example tooling designs. These resources can be a perfect support when designing your FlexQube applications.

Another major benefit with designing on your own is that you will build extensive knowledge about cart designs within the organization. As a part of the forklift reduction trend, industrial carts will be more and more important and will become a crucial corner stone in the design of future factories. If carts are designed and used in the best possible way they will have a major impact on the efficiency in your supply chain. In other words, there is no excuse to not start designing on your own.

Designing FlexQube carts is easy, fun and it will engage all players in the project team. Get started by clicking here!

/Qube it!™

Per Augustsson, CTO FlexQube

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FlexQube CEO Anders Fogelberg

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