Letter from the CEO 2015

Innovative customers and prominent partners
FlexQube is the world’s first global and flexible concept for internal material handling carts. We introduce our robust concept to the most globalized companies in the world that today use suppliers in an extremely fragmented market of similar equipment. These companies work with global production systems that enforce them to invest in flexible production concepts that can be globalized, hence implemented wherever in the world these companies have plants. FlexQube is the only supplier that meets these criteria and that has the possibility to be a global solution. FlexQube’s standardized building blocks and design process called DesignOnDemand enables this without competition.
CEO Anders Fogelberg building the first application ever sold with the concept back in 2011
In 2015 we started the year by preparing for our first trade show where we would have our very own booth. The show was ProMAT in Chicago and we got a lot of interest from many companies that turned out to be big customers of ours later in the year. At the same time we showed our concept in Chicago we launched our completely new web page. The web page supports our journey to make it easier for customers to find information and implement the most suitable intralogistics solutions that can support a flexible, modern factory. Through our knowledge sharing, we hope to attract the most innovative customers that will in return help us improve our concept and broaden our customer base.
CEO Anders Fogelberg at a LEGO plant in Mexico, a company and a product who inspired us to a great extent
In 2015 we had a lot of sales coming from very few customers which is something we strive to change in 2016 where we want to a more wide range of customers, from different industries and different countries. We also seek more partnerships in markets where cultural, linguistic or geographical barriers make it difficult to penetrate the market on our own.
In the latter part of 2015, we started focusing on the rapidly growing market in Mexico. We started discussions with potential partners and in 2016 we will see a huge increase in sales in this market.
In 2015 we also were awarded on the 33-list for being one of the most innovative companies in Sweden. With a lot of positive feedback and recurring customers, we believe the concept found its place in the marketplace and our main challenge is to find the most optimal path to our customers in terms of marketing and distribution partners. With our increased volumes and improved components, we see that our solutions in many cases are both better suited for the purpose but also less expensive for the customer than welded solutions.
Our global footprint continues to grow and our Design Center in India is one key to handle the growing need for custom-designed carts and racks.
In 2016 we will focus on a more streamlined design process to encourage customers to do their own designs but also our own design product, DesignOnDemand which is a completely new way of developing custom carts not seen in the market before.
Even though we are very active on social media and other marketing channels we still see the unawareness about our company and our concept as the greatest challenge to our growth. Our focus will also be on engage in projects that are the best for both FlexQube and our client and try to stay away from the non-core ones. That is important in order to achieve the best possible growth with the limited resources we have internally.
With a proven concept, commended by companies like Whirlpool, Autoliv, AGCO, Johnson Control and Oshkosh we have a great confidence in our products and the value we bring to our customers. Our greatest mission for 2016 will be to open the eyes of our potential clients, in order for as many as possible to get the chance of choosing the most optimal material handling solution for a future proof and modern production.
CEO Anders Fogelberg with Arturo Roaro, Leanflow Mexico
Anders Fogelberg, CEO FlexQube Group
About FlexQube
FlexQube was founded in 2010. The founders are three young and ambitious persons with different backgrounds and experiences but they had one thing in common; they loved playing with Lego® when they were kids but they wanted to continue doing that and hence developed FlexQube®.
FlexQube’s business idea is to develop and offer a flexible system with few standardized components for safe, ergonomic and cost efficient logistics. The standard interface and intervals makes it possible for FlexQube® to have a very effective and fast design process, where the lead time from customer requirements to design draft can be cut down significantly.